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New Zealand Power Company Buy Back

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Electric Kiwi

Electric Kiwi’s MoveMaster plan encourages users to move their electricity usage off-peak by offering lower off-peak tariffs. Off-peak power usage can also help reduce carbon emissions, as off-peak electricity is more likely to be produced using cleaner generation. To make the plan even greener, it offers a competitive solar buy-back rate

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Genesis Energy

Consumers can request a solar consultation via the Genesis Energy website, with Genesis-approved installers located at select major centres around the country. HomeGen, available to Genesis electricity customers with approved generation equipment with less than a 50kW output, allows for unused electricity to be sold into the grid.

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Meridian Energy

Meridian Energy advises that it will work alongside customers or their solar provider to ensure an import/export meter is installed. Customers are able to make a solar enquiry via the Meridian website.

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Frank Energy

For customers who have a solar system of 50kW or less, Frank Energy offers a buy-back rate that sits in the middle of the current rates on offer from the range of power companies

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Flick Electric

Flick Electric is currently running a buyback trial. It advises customers who own a battery that they can monitor live wholesale prices and sell back to the grid at a time when prices are high to earn more from the power they’ve generated.

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Ecotricity says that its ecoWHOLESALE and ecoSAVER plans are designed to support the uptake of solar installations. It has partnered with solar specialists around the country to help with the installation process.

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Nova Energy

Nova Energy states that it can pay for excess power exported by residential customers with solar panels rated to generate up to 10kW. The buy-back power charges are clearly shown on their bills.

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Mercury offers solar buy-backs nationwide, and is currently running a fantastic buy-back rate in conjunction with Harrisons Solar.

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Contact Energy

Contact Energy advises that for customers looking to set up a solar system, it can install an import/export meter for either less or greater than 10kW output. Customers can apply via Contact’s website.

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Powershop advises that it will buy back any excess generation from customers with a solar installation of under 10kW, and an appropriate import/export meter.

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Octopus Energy

Octopus Energy has a world-wide business based on green power and high-tech electricity solutions. If it seems weird that Octopus offers night pricing, when solar panels aren’t working, Octopus’ rates take into consideration those with batteries, who are able to export power at any time of the day.

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